Data Dive into the City

The City of Attica has a current population of 3,245 [2010 Census] and is located in west central Indiana, about 80 miles west of Indianapolis, and 124 miles south of Chicago (which are the closest airports). Attica is the largest city in Fountain County, and lies on the Wabash River. The city is served by state roads 55 and 28 and US 41. Attica’s closest neighbor is the town of Williamsport which is directly across the Wabash River. The City of Lafayette is 25 miles northeast of Attica and is the closest sizable metropolitan community. Purdue University and Ivy Tech Community College also are within approximately 25 miles. There are 15 churches in Attica, all Christian denominations.
The US Census Bureau currently estimates the population of Attica at 3174 people, down from 3245 at the 2010 census. 98.2% of the population is white/non-Hispanic. The median age for residents is 39 years old, and the average household size is 2.4 people.

The nearest hospital to Attica is St. Vincent Williamsport four miles away. The services provided here include Emergency Care, Medical Imaging, Outpatient Services, Rehabilitation Services, Respiratory Care and a surgical unit.
Within Attica there is a general practitioner, as well as an optometrist, and a dentist, for most routine care.

Attica Fire Department directly serves Attica and three townships in Fountain County. The fire department is manned by 19 volunteer firefighters.
The fire department averages about 300 red runs a year, the majority of which are emergency medical service calls. The fire departments has nine EMT’s on staff

Attica police department is currently manned by seven full time officers, one of which is a school resource officer and seven reserve officers.
As far as crime in Attica is concerned, the statistics are fairly positive with local crime falling at least 12% below national and state averages. Attica is a welcoming environment where citizens feel safe in their homes and moving about the city.